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Global Accounting(Senior Manager) 日産自動車株式会社

職種 Global Accounting(Senior Manager)
社名 日産自動車株式会社
業務内容 TECHNICAL: Oversee, maintain and support Nissan consolidated financial reporting operations, including consolidated financial system (currently HFM); Assess appropriateness of consolidation scope (Full-Consolidation/Equity/Cost-Fair Value), COA, code block, etc.; Conduct Company Establishment Committee (CEC) meetings, research Nissan companies to determine appropriate consolidation methods and treatments; Projects related to enhanced data governance for Subsidiaries/Affiliates and their Subsidiaries/Affiliates; Determine financial statement impact of accounting transactions, including M&A Accounting Assessments (especially for Japan-based companies); Assist companies in adopting Nissan reporting and submission standards. PEOPLE MANAGEMENT: Directly motivate and manage a team of four professionals; Accomplish department objectives by managing staff; planning and evaluating department activities; Provide guidance and assignments to team, as well as coaching and counseling, allowing for team member career and personal growth; Ensures a safe and productive working environment that fosters teamwork; comfortable managing staff located at other sites.

<アピールポイント(職務の魅力)/Selling point of this position>
We are looking for a motivated, knowledgeable Accounting Leader with a strong Accounting background to join our Yokohama-Based team!
This is a Dynamic Position providing an opportunity to partner with our global business units and be involved with strategic planning across the organization. You will get to know the details of domestic and overseas business operations and understand Nissan's global business.
求める経験 ■MUST
English Language Skills (speaking/writing/reading - TOEIC 800 or above) - Japanese skills are a plus, but not required; Strong accounting knowledge (CPA with industry experience or experience in Public Accounting Firm is preferred); Hands-on, results driven; Strong interpersonal/transformational skills; Able to handle pressure and tight schedules as necessary (will need to work outside "normal working hours" in some cases); Develop/foster strategic relationships; Key Traits (based on the New Nissan Way): Always Think of the Customer; Show Facts, Face Reality; Be Accountable, Act Proactively; Think Outside the Box; Respect Others, Respect Society; +8 years working in a large, multinational company; Management Experience (oversight of people, projects, deliverables).


・Bachelor degree in finance or accounting/ ファイナンス・会計領域での学士以上の学位
・MBA or master degree in finance preferred/ MBAもしくはファイナンス領域の修士学位
・CPA, or equivalent preferred/ CPAもしくは相当の資格
日産自動車グローバル本社 所在地:神奈川県横浜市西区
年収 年俸 1,060万円以上+インセンティブ
勤務時間 8:30~17:30
休日・休暇 週休2日制(※当社カレンダーによる、月5~8日)
年間121日 夏季休暇(9日間程度)、年末年始(9日間程度)、
福利厚生 ◆必須出勤時間の設定がない 「コアタイムなしのフレックス勤務制度」
在宅勤務制度/社内託児所 「まーちらんど」
社内預金、財形、持株会、退職年金、住宅ローン、保険団体割引、社員車両購入制度 食堂、
雇用形態 正社員
選考プロセス <面接回数>
書類選考・適性検査 ー 面接3回程度 ー ご内定



